Call For Papers


The significant roles of entrepreneurial ventures and small and medium-size enterprises in general to the growth of many of the world’s economies have been documented. However, growth is just one dimension of development. Economic development involves an increase in living standards, greater choice of goods and services, improvement in environmental wellbeing, low level of unemployment, and security (in general). It also deals with an increase in a country's real level of national output which can result from an increase in the quality and quantity of resources (both human and non-human), and improvements in technology. Economic development is concerned with sustainability and takes into account the size and quality of the informal economy. It alleviates people from low standards of living into a better quality of life. Small enterprises have made significant contributions towards economic growth, development, and quality of life in many nations, but they are yet to reach their maximum potential. The recent economic meltdown has further adverse effect on their contributions. GCSE 2010 is a forum to deliberate on several issues related to the subjects of small enterprises and entrepreneurship from academic and practitioner perspectives.

Submissions in the form of case study, conceptual, empirical and practitioner papers are invited in the following areas (but not limited to these), which address issues around Entrepreneurship, Family Business and SMEs in general:

  • Accounting
  • B2B and B2C,
  • Competitiveness and sustainability
  • Corporate governance and CSR
  • Cross cultural Issues
  • Economic meltdown and Small Firms
  • E-commerce
  • Education and training
  • Employment creation
  • Environmental quality management
  • Ethics
  • Financing and access to funds
  • Franchising
  • Gender and minority issues
  • Government policies/support
  • Human resource management
  • ICT and innovation
  • Internationalization of small firms
  • Law
  • Micro and Interest free finance
  • Managing growth and quality of life
  • Marketing strategy
  • Operations strategy, quality and knowledge management
  • Services
  • Small enterprises and poverty alleviation
  • Small enterprises and economic restructuring
  • Small enterprises and MNEs
  • Taxation
  • Tourism
Track Chair

CSR, Corporate Governance & Ethics
Howard Frederick, Deakin University, Australia

Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Bradley R. Barnes, The University of Sheffield, UK

Strategic Management
Felix Mavondo, Monash University, Australia.

Agribusiness & Food Industry
Dilber Ulas, Ankara University, Turkey

Accounting, Auditing & Finance
Helen Samujh, University of Waikato, New Zealand

Business-to-Business (B2B)
Brian Low, University of Western Sydney

Small Business Economics
Rasyad Parinduri, Nottingham University, Malaysia

Cross Cultural SME Research
Kim-Shyan Fam, Victoria University of Wellington

Entrepreneurship Education
Marie Capel, Nottingham University, Malaysia & Emmanuel Ajide, INTI University College

SMEs, Environment and Sustainability
Godwin Aliagha, University of Malaya

Family Business 
Rowena Barrett, Curtin University of Technology, Australia

Green Entrepreneurship
Sumesh Nair, Monash University, Australia

HRM and Employment Creation
Low Mei Peng, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia

ICT, E-commerce & Electronic Transactions
Cyril Eze, Multimedia University Malaysia

Managing Growth & Succession Planning
Chris Hall, Consultant, Australia

Marketing Strategy
Margaret Matanda, Monash University, Australia

Quality & Reliability Management
Nelson Oly Ndubisi, Nottingham University, Malaysia

Women Entrepreneurs, Gender & Minority Issues
Jens Mueller, University of Waikato, New Zealand

Knowledge Management
Gerald Goh, Multimedia University Malaysia

Law & Legal Issues
Chan Wai Meng, University of Malaya & Rebecca Lai, Lai & Lai Partners, Kuala Lumpur

Important Dates

Full paper submission: July 31, 2010

Camera ready: July 31, 2010

Conference: August 26 - 27, 2010

Submission Format

Abstract should not be more than 250 words. Full paper, not exceeding 20 A4 pages (including references), double spacing, 12 Font size, Times New Roman, in Microsoft word format, should be submitted before the deadline for review and eventual inclusion in the Conference Proceedings. Additional pages will be charged US $10 per page. Harvard referencing style should be used. All submissions are taken to be an original work and have not been published or in consideration elsewhere. All submissions will go through a double blind review process. To be published in the proceeding, at least one author must register for the conference. The maximum number of submissions per registered author is 2. The official language, for both submission and presentation, is English.